Holiday Wishlist Series: Watches for the Tech Obsessed

Gadget-stuffed watches have been a science fiction staple for years (calling all Dick Tracy, Knight Rider, and Star Trek fans). If you have tech obsessed guy or gal on your Christmas list this year, take a look at some of the below high-tech, funky, and creative wrist candy we've found:

Faceless Watch - stainless steel bracelet? Think again. Press a small button on the side and disguised red LEDs will light up between the links to display the time. Another button reveals the date. $100 - Hammacher Schlemmer
Mutewatch - Designed to be simple and intuitive. Just tap the flat surface and the touch screen lights up, then swipe through the other functions. If an alarm is set, the Mutewatch features a built-in motion sensor that registers movement and can automatically adjust the strength of the vibrations for the alarm! $199 - Mutewatch

HD3 Slyde -  This watch gets rid of the typical watch face and replaces it for a touchscreen, giving you an infinite variety of virtual timepieces easily changeable with a few quick taps and flicks. Check out our full description here. $5000+ - select retailers

Kisai RPM LED Watch - Featuring a smooth stainless steel disc at the center of its face with two LED lighted rings around the edge; the inner ring represents the hour and the outer ring represents the minutes in groups of five. $199 - TokyoFlash

QLOCKTWOW - Time in words for your wrist. This watch features a 110-letter grid that lights up to describe the time. $805 - Biegert & Funk

No doubt our list could go on! Have any fun, unique watches? Share with us on our Facebook page. Happy holidays!


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