NYC Prepares for Hurricane Sandy!


45th Street Passageway

Grand Central Terminal, New York, NY

212-685-1689 /

New Yorkers are doing everything they can to prepare for possible 6 to 11 feet surge of water or “wall of water” in New York City.

The city has shut down its mass transit system, closed schools and ordered hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate their NYC homes on Sunday afternoon. Some people quickly packed up their belongings and headed for safer grounds, while others flooded grocery stores and stocked their homes to stay put.
Hurricane Sandy is threatening to swamp out parts of lower Manhattan, flood subway tunnels and knockout power lines, phone lines, and high-speed internet lines that are the base of America’s financial capital. The New York Stock Exchange decided to shut down on Monday as well as other U.S. financial markets.

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.
We hope that everyone in the NYC area has taken the proper precautions to stay safe during Hurricane Sandy.


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